Go for Gold
*If you are a certified Go for Gold Peer Educator, please click here to visit the Peer-Education Steps Page before completing any peer-led activities!
In continuance of our educational mandate, CCCS of Rochester developed a free financial education program to help youth achieve financial readiness for the future. Go for Gold is a financial literacy program that teaches youth about different components of financial competence. Utilizing a peer-to-peer education model, the program trains youth between the ages of 11 and 18 who then become peer educators, teaching other students within their schools and community. Aside from teaching youth the fundamentals of financial well-being, Go for Gold also imparts professional skills in public speaking, leadership, conflict resolution, and confidence-building. Go for Gold establishes a framework for identifying and supporting the critical opportunities, relationships, and personal strengths that young people need to succeed. Currently, the program is generously supported by Monroe County and the ESL Charitable Foundation.
Fundamental topics we cover:
- Financial Capability- budgeting, saving, credit cards, credit scores, needs vs wants, loans and spending control
- Interpersonal/Social Skills- discussion of the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and professional etiquette
- Professional & Technical skills- hands-on navigation & utilization of PowerPoint, professional etiquette continued
- Communication skills- public speaking skills, differentiating communication with peers, co-workers, teachers, and supervisors
Peer-led workshops:
Upon completion of Go for Gold training, students have the opportunity to become peer educators in their classroom. Students must prepare a 10-15-minute presentation on a financial literacy topic of their choice to teach to other students. Students will receive a $50.00 stipend for completing a presentation and are limited to five presentations; potentially earning $250.00.
Who we serve:
Go for Gold collaborates with local schools, recreation programs, enrichment programs, and other non-profits throughout Monroe County. Youth participating in Go for Gold must be between the ages of 11 and 18 and enrolled in any form of academic institution or school.
Peer Education Steps:
To fully complete the Go for Gold program as a peer educator and qualify for program incentives, students must follow specific steps. Click here to see the full list of steps and instructions to follow.
Supporting Go for Gold:
If you would like to learn more about how you can support the Go for Gold program, email: goforgold@cccsofrochester.org.
Mehriban Sirin, Guidance Counselor at Rochester Academy Charter School
"Thank YOU for providing this awesome program to the students. They learn, educate and earn. Learning about financial literacy is a very important step for them to be successful in their life, and in this program, they learn about it while teaching others. They are practicing different skills such as presenting, getting prepared for the presentation, finding and arranging their peers to teach, having them get interested (marketing), getting over their anxiety while presenting, etc. These are all things that many students find hard not only doing but trying. So, you motivate them to have the experience of these skills. Thank YOU!"