During tough economic times, many homeowners face difficulties in making their mortgage payments. The one missed payment turns in to another and another. Most homeowners do not know where to turn and fear having their home taken away from them.
At CCCS of Rochester, we strive to assist homeowners that are having difficulty in making their monthly mortgage payment with possible foreclosure prevention options. Our HUD certified Housing Counselors will advocate for the homeowner and serve as their voice with their mortgage servicer. The Housing Counselor will work with the mortgage servicer to find the best fit option that may be available to the homeowner to prevent foreclosure on the property.
There are many programs for different types of loans. They range from government programs such as the NYS Homeowner Protection Program and Making Home Affordable, in-house modifications offered by the Mortgage Servicer, Traditional Sale and alternatives to foreclosure such as Deed-in-Lieu or Short Sale. If you know someone that is facing a mortgage issue and cannot make their current or next mortgage payment have them contact us. Our certified Housing Counselors can advocate for the homeowners that are facing mortgage difficulties.