With everything going on right now in your financial world keeping track of your credit is important. Through Experian/Equifax and Transunion through the end of 2020 you can get a weekly credit report for free to keep track of everything going on.
You may notice that some of your creditors have reduced your credit limits without notice due to COVID-19. This sudden reduction can have several impacts on your credit score or overall financial situation. Firstly, the reduced limit can cut into the funds available to you in an emergency. And secondly it can cause your score to lower because of increased utilization.
If you have an older card that is not used frequently, you may be at risk for the cards to be closed. Creditors are looking for ways to reduce their risk during these times and may see older unused cards as an easy way to reduce potential future losses. Once these cards are closed you can see a similar impact to your credit as a reduction in credit limit.